Timothy Llompart's profile

10 Anys Fent el Dimonis (Poster)

Final poster "10 anys fent el dimoni".
29'7x42 cm
Ink + Photoshop
Timothy Llompart 2017

Poster done for 10th Anniversary of the "Dimonis de sa Cova des Fossar" (Folklore devils from Sineu, Mallorca, Spain).

They are a group of actors which make a show with fireworks, dressed as devils and trying to scare / be funny to people. This is one of the best, if not the best, group in Mallorca.

They are more fun than scary, so I tried to make a funny poster. The title means "10 years making the devil", which can be read as misbehaving or actually creating a devil, so, that's the poster.

Original Ink Drawing.
29'7x42 cm
10 Anys Fent el Dimonis (Poster)

10 Anys Fent el Dimonis (Poster)
