Jennifer Rouse's profile

Prototype for a Small Kitchen Appliance

The project
When a un-named (NDA) company came to us looking to get into the IoT space, we were more than thrilled to help out. They were unsure of what they needed, so to give them some clarity we decided to build them a prototype using one of their products to show them all the possibilities of a connected appliance.

User experience
Since we were working on a prototype and introducing IoT to the client, we had to do most of the heavy lifting when it came to user stories and end goals. We assembled a team and brainstormed ways to highlight all the benefits of having a smart appliance. Then we moved into the next phase, user experience, where we put together a user flow, started making wireframes, and ended with a clickable prototype to make sure it all came together.

After making a few more tweaks to the UX we moved into the visual design phase. Not being given much direction from the client (brand guidelines, fonts, or colors) we based the look and feel off of their current branding while giving it a clean, updated and cohesive look.

Prototype for a Small Kitchen Appliance

Prototype for a Small Kitchen Appliance

Prototype for a Connected Small Kitchen Appliance.
