The common ground between the metaphysical and spiritual pursuits like zen philosophy and the whacked out persona and energy of a penguin is represented by the band’s name “Zenguin"

We find that the biggest influence on our music happens to be our everyday environment like the sensory overload of living in a big crowded city.
Often taking inspiration from film scores, we try to incorporate elements of sound design and storytelling in our music.

Extremely and unpredictable and never quite the same twice. Songs can emerge out of anything, whether it be musical ideas and riffs, or feelings and spontaneous experimentation.

Our music is all about finding the right blend between analog-digital soundscapes, modern-vintage vibes, chaotic-easy listening within complex-simple arrangements.It conveys the idea of there being tranquility and peace, even in the midst of the most intense activity and hustle bustle
5)What are your immediate music career goals?What are your long-term career goals?

We want to spread our music to as many people as possible and play the biggest shows and festivals around. 

Zenguin happened around 2 years back as a simple collaboration between two musicians/producers who wanted to write some tunes together, without much thought as to the direction it would take in the future. However, the resulting material compelled both members to keep at it and to keep taking it forward.


Recently covered a wonderful performance by Zenguin. This is a series from their gig at the people and co at cyber hub, Gurgaon. The performan Read More
