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Τhe Life and Adventures of Santa Claus

Τhe Life and Adventures of Santa Claus
Η ζωή και οι περιπέτειες του Σάντα Κλάους

Author: L. Frank Baum
Translator: Filippos Mandilaras

Illustrator: Eleni Tsampra
Publisher: Patakis Editions, 2007.
ISBN: 960-16-2599-2

“The life and adventures of Santa Claus” is written by the American author Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919), chiefly known for his children’s books, particularly The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its sequels. “The life and adventures of Santa Claus” was first published in United States, at 1902 by publishing house Bowen Merrill. The greek edition of the novel was republished by Patakis Editions at 2007.
   The book treats the story of a boy, who as a baby was found in the Forest of Burzee by a supreme immortal being, Ak, and was placed in the care of  Nymph Necilia. Upon reaching young adulthood, the boy, who would be named “Santa Claus” is introduced by Ak to human society, wherein he sees war, brutality, poverty, and child neglect. 

   The book’s ambiance, settings like “the Laughing Valley” or  the “Forest of Burzee” and main characters (the Ryls, the Nymphs, the Elves, the Queen of the Water Spirits, the King of the Wind Demons and  evil beings like the Awgwas, the Three-Eyed Giants of Tatary, etc)  bring to mind the vivid Tolkien’s universes and books that would be published six decades later.

"... Thereafter with each moment passed in the city the youth’s wonder grew. He, who had supposed himself created differently from all others, now found the earth swarming with creatures of his own kind.
“Indeed,” said Ak, “the immortals are few; but the mortals are many.”

Claus looked earnestly upon his fellows.There were sad faces, gay and reckless faces, pleasant faces, anxious faces and kindly faces, all mingled in puzzling disorder. Some worked at tedious tasks; some strutted in impudent conceit; some were thoughtful and grave while others seemed happy and content. Men of many natures were there, as everywhere, and Claus found much to please him and much to make him sad. "

Τhe Life and Adventures of Santa Claus

Τhe Life and Adventures of Santa Claus

Τhe Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Illustrated Book, 2007 Author: L. Frank Baum Translator: Filippos Mandilaras Illustrator: Eleni Tsampra P Read More
