Abigueil Ledgar's profile

Desfile de Momentos

parade of moments
Creating a heartfelt gift for a wedding, a playful series of 6 scenes/caricatures capturing pivotal moments and emotions in the couple's journey.
    About the project

Commissioned as a unique wedding gift for a long-time couple, this project involved the transformation of a card game, specifically the "Parade" model by Naoki Homma, into a personalized deck of 66 cards. Each set of 6 cards, distinguished by different colors, depicted pivotal moments in the couple's journey.

Conceptualizing the poses and moments, executing the drawings to ensure a cohesive set, defining color schemes for each moment, designing the box, and imparting a professional style.


Custom Product Design, Game Card Illustration, Personalized Wedding Gift, Narrative Illustration, Package Design, Creative Conceptualization

    My process
Browsing the internet for images of the couple, I created a collage for each concept and proceeded with sketching. After outlining, scanning, and cleaning, I applied watercolor washes, rescanned, and digitally colored each element.

    My process
I drew several sets of numbers in different colors to introduce varied graphic elements to each illustration. Digitally placing them on the cards ensured immediate visual distinction within the game.

The card backs feature an iconic building, symbolizing both the gift-givers and the shared memories of the place—the House of Shells in Salamanca.
    The packaging
The box will be crafted by a skilled traditional bookbinder who provided valuable input for the interior and exterior design.

Colorful details, mirroring each of the six cards, will adorn the sides of the box.
The cover will feature a line drawing of the wedding venue: Masía Vilasendra de Oristà.

The back of the box is like that of any actual game, featuring images depicting the gameplay mode and icons indicating age, players, playtime, and the skills it helps develop.

"Images capturing various moments of the game for the manual."
"It wouldn't have been as spectacular without the dedication and magic of the bookbinders at 'El Telar' (www.eltelarencuadernacion.es) and the advice and professionalism of the printing press '17Nietos' (www.facebook.com/17nietos) in Salamanca."
Desfile de Momentos


Desfile de Momentos
