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Interscope Records, the record company behind the likes of Lady Gaga, No Doubt, Lana Del Rey, Carly Rae Jepsen and La Roux, is taking a new approach to its corporate website, working to merge traditional and social content.
Interscope Geffen A&M (IGA) is actually the full name of the umbrella label, owned by Universal Music Group (UMG) and founded when Geffen and A&M Records were merged into Interscope more than a decade ago.
IGA’s new website is setting out to reimagine the concept of what a record label website does as, oftentimes, it isn’t the number one go-to for fans seeking information and news around their favorite artists.
Using real-time social technologies from Echo and Arktan, Interscope draws on the social activities of its signed artists. In the process, it seems that Interscope is hoping to draw fans to the site not only to engage with the artists they already like, but discover other ones too.
What you’ll now see is a stream of tweets, with content from Instagram and YouTube embedded and permeating across the site. Interscope is essentially weaving all the social content associated with its artists together into one portal, with all the latest posts appearing first on the homepage.
Everything a record label does is social. By leveraging this activity as the primary content source for our label website, we will always have the freshest, most relevant content available for our fans. When our social media manager posts content to Twitter, Facebook or YouTube, that content will instantly flow into the Featured content on our home page.
It’s not just about reeling in social network data from Interscope’s artists, but e-commerce and the latest releases also get a look-in with this makeover. Every piece of content is now displayed in a pinboard-style visualization, with the ability to ‘Like’ and Comment on each item, as you can see here with Lady Gaga’s Bravado store:
Visitors can tab through each category of the site by swiping from side to side, designed to work on a desktop or an iPad. If you’re just there to get content on one particular artist, say…Eminem, you can make your way to their dedicated portal on the IGA site, and you’ll see:
The new site, ultimately, is geared towards helping Interscope generate revenue by bringing everything together into one place, and guiding fans towards other artists, content and merchandize. The infrastructure can inject any piece of content into the artist streams, such as merchandise, new Spotify tracks, ads and other promotions.
All of the content is generated in real-time through cloud APIs. Arktan, a curation service that aggregates real-time social data from social networks, provides the social activity for each artist and brand. That data, alongside other real-time feeds from Interscope’s merchandise and brand partners (e.g. Bravado), is injected into Echo StreamServer, a real-time activity database that captures, storing and broadcasting social activity data across the Web.
The real-time, social infrastructure from Echo and Arktan provides Interscope with a very flexible framework to promote everything that a record label needs to promote, while keeping content fresh for the visitor.



Interscope Records relaunches its corporate website for the e-commerce, Twitter generation
