T  H  E     A  P  H  E  L  I  O  N 

"You ever wonder?" she asks while gazing up into the darkness of the night sky, watching carefully the slow dance of the million little lights. "Wonder about what?" I replied. "What it would feel like to see the earth for the first time as it truly is. From up there and in between those countless flittering dots. I wonder about that. Not how it might look but how the image of this sphere would make me feel. Seeing the earth suspended in an infinite sea of black. Wandering about, as fragile as a butterfly flapping its wings in a sudden summer storm. I wonder if I will ever see that..." 

"Oh honey, you will..."

This is the shortest of a summary I could come up with for the personal work I did during my Internship at Seat last year. It is the sketches and final renders of the vehicles. Unfortunately I didn´t have the opportunity to build a model. But the brief was open and so I decided to create a vision for the next hundred years of the brand. Its a bold vision. I dreamed. Full of hopes. Full of ideas. It is divided into four parts. Ares ( The roman god of war and the name for the planet Mars) Phobos & Deimos (The names of the two moons of Mars) Andromeda (The name of the closest Galaxy to ours) Aphelion ( The point farthest away from an orbits centre) The first two are connected. Phobos and Deimos is the result of the Ares. The last two are connected as well. Aphelion uses the technology I imagined in Andromeda. 
They all build up on one another to form the next hundred years until 2117. 

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Peter Drucker

Final presentation boards 

Thank you for scrolling down this far. 
Hope it was worth it




Personal Internship Project
