Kevin Contento's profile

Cannes, France 2012

We stayed up so late, or we stayed up till early, or maybe we just got up so early. There are so many ways of phrasing it. The fact is that we had fun. We laughed so much and had an unforgettable time. We took advantage of it in many ways. Maybe, I should of networked more, or at least networked with the intention of staying connected. Maybe I should have sold myself as an amazing director, and a spring of ideas and creativity, unable to be missed by anybody. But I am happy with the route I took. The people I met are the ones that I will remember and I wouldn’t change them for anybody else. Cannes was before sleeping, and sleep was asked to step aside, pushed into a corner by itself. Sleep therefore became angry, or at least she became savage claiming what was hers when you least expected it. She would creep behind you, stalking you, waiting for you with the greatest patience. When given the opportunity she would pounce on you and make you her prisoner. This usually occurred at the worst times, like when you sat down to watch a film at the prestigious Cannes film festival.

We would work hard and then of course walk the streets of Cannes late at night, buzzing with life, fashion, money, celebration, laughter, the sound of heels on the sidewalk, luxurious cars rolling down the streets, and the chatter that occupied party goers waiting in line.  We retired to our pub and ordered the rounds. Each of us treating the others to a round, making it easy on our pockets, yet keeping the laughter and conversation going till the early morning. I was introduced to a new beverage; and she is dark, rich, and aesthetically beautiful. Guinness, also known as an ‘Irish meal’, she is delicious and as smooth a drink as any. She doesn’t put up a fight and instead makes everything a little bit better.
Cannes, France 65th international Cannes film festival
Guinness :-D
Falafel’s with frites and samurai sauce drunk and in the middle of the night two doors down from the pub
Falling asleep, drifting in and out while watching ‘Cleo from 5 to 7’ with Agnes Varda in the audience
Kissing on a rocky pier that jetted out into the Mediterranean, underneath the stars
Walking back to Cannes La Bocca in the middle of the night, drunk, along the beach jumping on the ledges, and climbing the kiosks jumping off them to fall on your ass
Watching soccer games in crowded pubs, packed like human tuna fish, yelling and cheering, drinking, and spilling,
Singing karaoke at the pub at 3am with locals,
Singing Bob Marley and having everyone sing along with you
Drinking wine on the balcony of your hotel with the stars out
Falling asleep during a special screening of Roberto Rossellini’s ‘Viaggio in Italia’
Meeting your Hero (Jackie Chan) and taking a picture with him
Having your jeans rip before a screening and having to cover them with your sweater during the film and all the way back to your hotel room
Watching the girl you kissed, and then some, kiss another guy the last night
Watching the girl you wanted to kiss, be held by the other guy.
Smoking cigarettes because you’re drunk and are having the best time at a party
Thinking of that girl back home
Drunk munchies at McDonalds in the middle of the night
Jogging in the early morning from La Bocca to the center of Cannes watching the sunrise over the mountains in Cannes
Hurting your foot for almost the entire duration of the festival as a result of jogging and walking with a limp everywhere lol
Having a friend point out that you walked by Harvey Weinstein
Watching the red carpet entrance of the cast from ‘On the road’ on the big screen above the carpet, while eating a baguette with ham and cheese. Big screen small people.
Wearing clothes multiple days in a row or combining looks that you wouldn’t normally do because you ran out of clothes and haven’t done laundry
Rushing to the short film corner for happy hour/free drinks
Rushing to the Turkey pavilion for free drinks
Rushing to many pavilions for free drinks/food
Becoming great friends with a dude from Arizona, a dude from Milwaukee, and a chick from Quebec
Leaving the next day alone, quietly, slowly, with memories of one of the greatest times of my life :-)
Cannes, France 2012

Cannes, France 2012

I had an internship at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, but I only took a few photos while there.


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