Laura Harris's profile

Welcome to the World - Gift Set

Welcome to the World
YCN Brief
Create a collection of greeting cards, notecards, notepads, gift bags and wrapping paper.

We are open to any graphic or illustrative style — geometric patterns, painterly illustrations, designs that feature characters or that use humour in a playful way.

You should come up with a name for your collection too.

Remember to have variety within the range, but make sure your designs comfortably sit together to create a cohesive collection.

We’d also like you to demonstrate how your ideas work as a collection, so one of your design sheets should show your work displayed together.

The final resolution of the bundle ‘Welcome to the world’, a range that can work separately and collectively. Appealing to the target audience of young new parents and the buyer (typically women), through the hand rendered designs, this was found in primary research as a gap in the market. Hence then chosen for this unique gift set to be outstanding, and be sold in shops such as Paperchase and Clintons. 

Welcome to the World - Gift Set

Welcome to the World - Gift Set
