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'The Override of Mankind'

The Override of Mankind

In 2012, it was predicted by environmental and scientific analysts, that the window for curtailing climate change emissions (fossil fuel, methane in the Earth’s atmosphere) closes in 2017. It is now the Year 2017. Global corporations and the fossil fuel industries have not only mutated since then, but have replaced the weather and natural gases like Oxygen with Particulate Matter (hazardous liquid and solid particles suspended in air) through the process of excessive environmental, economic and social pollution. Since 2012, renewable energy interventions have been continuously neglected because fossil fuel corporations do not want to lose socio-economic power and control over its thought of governing.  It is July 2017. Nothing can stop the increase of Carbon Dioxide in the air. Nothing can stop climate change. At the same, this is the change where light is shined on Human Rights and exercising those rights to not be pressured by fossil fuels to save us from poverty; to create and share education that helps us build our own homes, lifestyles and food; that Planet Earth is a human’s home and it needs to protected. Now is the change to empower all human beings in seeing beyond the smoke.

The Override of Mankind is an 8 piece 2D Art project in which each piece show the impact of eco terrorism upon the Earth race. The work is set in the Year 2050. The planet Earth and its life world have changed. Animal life is extinct. Plant life is orphaned. Human life is left to haunt the Planet Earth, a spirit with no belonging. All that is left behind to tell our story is plastic.

The production of fossil fuels to manufacture plastic, petroleum and generic pharmaceuticals have increased quickly and are scarily real. The power-hungry tyrant like the capitalist model that dominates society insists that climate change is just bad weather. It is not responsible for the human activity [in consuming and producing its products] that is the primary cause of Climate Change. They are not responsible for their products being digested into the sea. Instead, the fossil fuel industry builds and erects more oil fracking machines in land weakened by global warming (example, Standing Rock, The Antarctica) and poisons the remaining life on the Earth. The need for fossil fuel to outlive Man has become so desperate, that the Fossil Fuel manufacturers have become negligent in controlling their products to balance with human needs. When fracking, toxic chemicals like Methane leak into rivers, oceans, water lines contaminating water; further ingested by animals, plants and Humans. When a living organism drinks water contaminated by the Fracking process, it is a positive connector to limiting human growth.
Hundreds of sea life and birds die from plastic disposed in the ocean and on beaches. Fishing nets which were once made out of cotton and silk (Wealth) are now replaced with cheap plastic and nylon (non-wealth).  When these nets do not serve its purpose they are just left to float in to the bottom of the sea. Because, plastic is indestructible, these nets do not dissolve over time like cotton or silk would. Instead, it just collects in the sea killing marine life and bleaching corals. Hundreds of sea birds, fish and mammals die every year because they are tangled or ingesting plastic. Coral reefs which are used to develop medical treatments for childhood Leukaemia, food supply for people and animals and coastal protection die because they get broken off by the giant plastic net; and suffer from methane bleaching caused by oil leaked into the sea. Persistent Organic Pollutant or chemical wastes such as Bisphenol A, Phencyclidine (PCP) are attracted to plastic. It attaches its self onto a piece of plastic which is further ingested by fish and birds. The fish, tuna, salmon, are caught and sold to seafood markets where it is consumed by Humans. These chemicals, particularly BPA causes hormonal imbalance, infertility and cancer. Why would we deliberately put a disease in our bodies?

The Sun Looks After Me
How important is this for us to know? Is it not our Human Right? Or are we merely a human experiment, which studies how to control humans faster and easier through means of spreading fear, guilt and shame entangled in the Supply and Demand chain? A chain which is the link of the supply and demand of Energy (Educational), Social (Educational), Political (Educational), Emotional (Educational) Model, which human activity is governed upon.  We still live in world that tries to meet our emotional needs by enforcing its consumer goods (like plastic, Prozac, petrol, out dated education) upon us. Plastic is not a bad thing. But why invent something that is meant to be immortal when it is used once. Why not improve it given our intellects have expanded. This plastic could be undermined.
The Land of Blood and Honey
Trees are destroyed because Fossil fuel companies frack in these regions, such as The Amazon.  5-10 factory workers die in this line of work because they are not given proper hazard proof uniforms and masks to protect them from the contact and inhalation of the gases. As the CO2 level increases, climate changes. The earth adapts, life must survive. The parasites are born. Parasites which eat vegetation necessary for animal and human function. Unfortunately, the seasons are just not cold enough to kill them off. No plant life means limited cures for diseases, food, and oxygen.  If our body is weak, our minds are weak. Are we still alive?
Toy Soldiers
Trees are destroyed because Fossil fuel companies frack in these regions, such as The Amazon.  5-10 factory workers die in this line of work because they are not given proper hazard proof uniforms and masks to protect them from the contact and inhalation of the gases. As the CO2 level increases, climate changes. The earth adapts, life must survive. The parasites are born. Parasites which eat vegetation necessary for animal and human function. Unfortunately, the seasons are just not cold enough to kill them off. No plant life means limited cures for diseases, food, and oxygen.  If our body is weak, our minds are weak. Are we still alive?
Once upon a time, God held the world on its shoulders. How does freedom become meaningful if there is poverty? How do we allow ourselves to breath, laugh, dance, love, when we can’t even inhale the air that is now poisonous due to over consumption and over pollution of human activity? The human race has evolved to save our specious from extinction. Rich, poor, young, old, we are creators of this earth. We hold the world on our shoulders. We are not alone in carrying a heavy weight. A heavy weight, which seems like a burden in quiet times but is the one thing which will anchor us in the great storm.
The Apple Tree
There is so much plastic in the world that you could make an Era just for plastic. Therefore, why not invent means to adapt to this ‘Technology.’  Adapt to it in a way, that because, it is everywhere and easy to access due to pollution, it can be used to hold light instead of dark.  There is now so much plastic in this world that this could be the Era of Renewable Energy. And, with digital advancements we can develop the ‘pollution’ into a much wealthier planet. Solar Energy light, wind, water, can be created by plastic to generate power. Power is Warmth. Warmth fuels ideas to create. From creation, starts life.  Humans will be seen as inventors, not property. We desire change instead of fear it.
It's a beautiful day
There is so much plastic in the world that you could make an Era just for plastic. Therefore, why not invent means to adapt to this ‘Technology.’  Adapt to it in a way, that because, it is everywhere and easy to access due to pollution, it can be used to hold light instead of dark.  There is now so much plastic in this world that this could be the Era of Renewable Energy. And, with digital advancements we can develop the ‘pollution’ into a much wealthier planet. Solar Energy light, wind, water, can be created by plastic to generate power. Power is Warmth. Warmth fuels ideas to create. From creation, starts life.  Humans will be seen as inventors, not property. We desire change instead of fear it.
'The Override of Mankind'

'The Override of Mankind'

Climate Change, 2D Art, Digital Art, Poetry, Visual Art, Nature
