Bee happy
This has been one of my favourite EVER projects to work on. It was a school wide overhaul of brand, walls and classrooms and I really enjoyed getting my creative head on! 

I was asked to first design a suite of characters wearing the school uniform, ensuring that they were ethnically, gender and ability diverse. I was then tasked with recreating the school logo as they didn't have the original file, and then create a wide range of wall displays featuring photos and something in the background. I settled with a meadow type landscape as it's quite mellow in colour and I could really incorporate the characters into it. 

The feature wall was the biggest task. I had to have the WOW factor and include the schools motto 'Children are at the heart of everything we do...'. In the end it featured interlocking acrylic photos, kiss cut animals and floating bees! Oh, and can you spot the sneaky hearts anywhere?!
Bee happy!

Bee happy!

Motto wall
