The emotion or concept of love is a simple, yet complex feeling and idea. Is it a force of nature? A basis of life? Or a universal emotion every human being on earth has to experience in existence? For centuries, these questions have been posed and pondered by novelists, poets, essayists, playwrights, lyricists, painters and sculptors around the world. Endless discussions between friends who have fallen in love can be found in our lives; these conversations always seem like a drug; in a state of high intoxication and with great imagination, one explores more and more new ideas in order to get to the heart of thing called ‘love’, to have it and to share it. Why do we love? Why do we yearn to be loved and to find love? 

This project was initiated by these questions and explores the topic beyond its cliche meaning. Project Heartstrings is a self-documentation project of deepest emotions and feelings through personal written excerpts, poems and notes. It explores the pain, loss and intimacy of love, where the outcome is an autographical, confessional and confrontational content of writing.

This project is a year long graduation project, completed under the School of Art Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The project was exhibited at the 2017 ADM Graduation. It was also exhibited at Singapore's National Design Centre and NTU North Spine for a curated showcase of the best design concepts and artworks by ADM's graduating cohort of 2017.

