"Now that you died you can continue to exist here in the hereafter. But to have access to this world you must have lived life according to Maat. I will use your heart as a symbol of your soul and here, in the Room of Two Truths, I will balance it with one of Maat's feathers. If both have the same balance, under the testimony of Osiris and this 42 Judges, I will allow  you to live in the Duat. However, in case of your heart is heavier or lighter than the Maat's feather, your soul will be consumed by Ammit, the devourer of souls."
                                                                                                                                                                                    - Anubis
Oakbrook | a dream and a gun
Thank to all  
Weigh of the Heart

Weigh of the Heart

Designed to represent, in a tattoo, the weighing of hearts described in the book of the dead in Egyptian mythology.
