Truth is one. 
And truth is zero. 
And the infinite space in between. 

In an impulse of uncritical certainity, 
we tend to perceive only reflections on the surface of event, 
when it is the shadows that conceal significant details. 

Truth is like fog, in which light is lost. 
Like a storm that absorbes your screem. 
And by the time you appear to understand it 
- it slips by, glittering with a glow of hundreds points of view. 

You find its shades in the perspectives of others, 
but in your own reflection you still see a void. 

Truth is the acceptance of powerlessness. 
And truth is the subtle autonomy. 
And the infinite space in between.
Etude for Master's degree

Project ‘01’ was my Master’s degree work at Digital Design. As a subject I chose to grasp an elusive ‘right perspective’. When we make our own decisions we are, even subconsciously, inspired by the choices of others. Sometimes, we have very different approaches, for example, which can not be valued as clearly good or bad. Every person considers something else as ‘right’ and it can always be true. The film is about those moments in which people try to understand the perspectives of others and find themselves in their reflections, when they allow themselves to be partly helpless, while seeking their subtle autonomy.

scenario, text, direction, dop, edit: Aleksander Kropidłowski
cameraman & help: Patryk Kaflowski
music & narration: Wojciech Budzyn
narrator: Paweł Malik

Thank you!
ZeroOne - etude

ZeroOne - etude

Narrative film about elusive truth.
