Robin Leworthy Wilson's profile

Dreamscapes-Kim Rideout

Support Dreamscapes "Like" for Pilot
Kim Rideout, Biltmore Domicile (Distillery District-Toronto)
It was a pleasure to photograph Kim from Dreamscapes in Biltmore Domicile, Distillery District-Toronto. The custom sofas and home decor is eclectic with style. Never leaving us short of inspiration for the next shot.
Help Kim get her pilot off the ground with a ‘like’ on fb page . The more likes, the more sponsors will come on board so PLEASE tell all your friends to go to the page and take one second to click “Like”. This pilot show is not only multi-cultural and multi-generational, but also encourages the mass population to be humanitarian minded and think about what they can do in whatever capacity for charitable locations in their community. If it is picked up this fall then you will be helping the charities in your own community.
Dreamscapes-Kim Rideout

Dreamscapes-Kim Rideout

Charity Pilot
