Retro style photos
  Photos of Berlin taken in the 1980's using photo editing software and actual darkrooms, solarisations, and some  hand tinting with dyes and dye resist chemicals.
The view at night from my hotel in Berlin in the 1980's.
A (mainly) night time strip of pictures from Berlin. All of them looking onto Kurfurstendamm.
Here and below, many pictures of Berlin in the 1980's. Some dyeing and solarising done back then, improvements and colour inversions done now.
Pictures of Berlin in the '80's, solarised and/or tinted by hand, improved by computer and now looking a little like cheap retro postcards.
Brightened lights of Berlin.
Hotel Amzoo. Kurfurstendamm.   
Solarised in the darkroom, blue dyes used with dye resist chemicals.
Grouping number 2.


Photography. Older photographs digitally enhanced and composed to create retro and modern effects.
