𩶘魥 LiJi
行動海產店計畫 Beach Cleaning Plan

Graphic Design
易樺欣 Yi,Hua-Xin|amy102033@gmail.com
熊曼青 Hsiung,Man-Chin|chelsea98789@gmail.com
鄭詠容 Cheng,Yung-Jung|apple20819@gmail.com
馮偉恩 Fong,Wei-En|asd4060057@yahoo.com.tw


Design Concept
Li Ji, an original idea of a food cart which sells fish with garbage in their stomach. For we are the top of the food chain. It's possible for us to consume these fish. We take the food cart to polluted beaches. Share the idea with the tourists and invite them to clean up the beaches with us. Through this project, we hope to make people aware of the problem and start to protect the environment in their daily life.
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𩶘魥 LiJi

𩶘魥 LiJi
