Columbus College of Art & Design 
2010—2012 Viewbook and Catalog
A college viewbook has a big story to tell and, at an art & design school, that story is mostly visual, but also grounded in some fascinating numbers. Student work, processes, facilities, people and a fascinating host city. This 90+ page viewbook and catalog package were designed to give prospective students an overview of CCAD and all that it embodies. 

The piece further showcased student work as student designers concepted and designed this book under the direction of the creative director and outside consultants.

Creative Director/Designer:
Lindsay Kronmiller

Justine Arreche
Abeer Sleiman

Pei Yin Chen
Joel Van Gilder
 Packaging of Viewbook and Catalog

 Viewbook Cover
Viewbook Interior

 Viewbook Interior
Viewbook Interior
Viewbook Interior
Viewbook Interior
Viewbook Interior
Catalog Cover
Catalog Interior
Catalog Interior
CCAD Viewbook

CCAD Viewbook

The CCAD Viewbook and Catalog are the premiere recruiting tools for the college.
