“Curryosity” is a fictitious curry restaurant having four different countries’ menu. This is a proposed business model I made for my logo & menu design project in a graphic design class. I tried to make the logo shape appear hot (spicy) and exotic because curry, regardless of original (Indian, Japanese, Thai, or Vietnamese etc), is usually rather spicy. I then pretended each country had their signature curry dish, accordingly creating a menu page for each country, I used a flame shape, which is a part of the logo, coloring country flag colors. I spent a good time to decide the paper to print the menu by visiting art supply stores, gathering different types and colors of papers, putting together the printed papers. It was really fun project from the beginning researching many curry restaurants’ menu, and I was hoping someone would offer me an investment to open this restaurant (haha). Surprisingly, some months after this project, a business owner who has some popular restaurants offered me to design a logo of a new curry restaurant (Fat Spoon). It is important to take it real even if a design was not for a school project or a personal project!


"curryosity" a international curry house
