Co-designers: Jordan Pollard, Brittany Lawing, Meredith Layman
What is Inversion?
Inversion is a group project centered on identifying and addressing the boundaries of individuals and small groups in a shared workspace using sustainable materials. 

The ideation process for Inversion began with each team member exploring the concept of "territory" through mapping exercises. We were also asked to consider what needs would be necessary to fulfill in our shared workspace. Each team member came up with a few ideas and sketches. 
We reviewed the team's collective needs and ideas, and found that all of us agreed storage, an open view, and maintaining natural light from the windows were priorities. After reviewing our individual design proposals, we also decided that we were particularly interested in two ideas presented. Both concepts emphasized open spaces and plenty of storage, however one was modular. We continued iterating potential plans for the two concepts, and began prototyping.  
During the prototyping phase, we decided two members would prototype with the modular unit, while the other two would not in order to quickly explore our options. We discovered that a module unit would work best as they allowed us to collaborate more on production and were much faster to develop. Having decided our preferred system, we began to work on prototyping structures for the final design. We tested different angles and sizes for our modular pieces, discovered how to build the "trunks" and "arms" of the two pieces that would make our structure, and decided on color schemes. 
Final Production
Inversion, our cardboard structure, was formed by interlocking modular cardboard units in matching 'Y' shaped pieces in the corners of our team's workspace. Its location allowed us to clearly delineate our group's space, while also leaving open space to collaborate with classmates.The unique shape of our design also allowed our team to see clearly out the windows and into the studio. We placed cardboard with warm colored paints facing towards the windows to help reflect the natural light, while keeping the cool colored cardboard in the opposing corner. Multiple storage places were made available throughout the piece, with bucket and shelf storage options available. 


Create a cardboard structure that supports the ideas and needs of all members of the team.
