Shell UI/UX design
Obsessing about interfaces!
A few months ago we had the pleasure to work for a really exciting project. The Greek department of Shell wanted to create their mobile app. This would have to include all the necessary features a customer would expect from that kind of app. A quick way to find Shell stations, a way to interact with the Shell loyalty program and many other little features.
Our approach for this project was to be as simple as possible. These kind of apps have to be extremely streamlined since the user goes in and out really fast and only uses them in unique situations. So from the get go we decided that we needed a interface that would have all the necessary features but be spread out on the app in a way that is logical to the user and in as few steps as possible.
For example the user can set his preferred home page instead of having one that he doesn't often use.
Everything in the app can be accessed from the left side with a swipe and on top of that it's friendly for first time users through the description and unintrusive for frequent users by hiding the descriptions.
Gift items can be sorted with a multitude of filters and with filters combined.
Since we always obsess with these sort of things and always criticise others when there's one more tap than what is necessary we also obsessed with our own design to make it as streamlined as possible.
Stay tuned for more mobile applications!
Shell UI/UX design

Shell UI/UX design

UI/UX mobile design
