make your own sushi
Have you ever dreamed about preparing your own sushi? Do you think it's difficult? You think you don't have the tools you need to do it? Now you have. You can have fun using sushi pieces to help you with your recipe mesures. Have fun and make your own sushi.

I was asked to create an alternative retail experience which would take form of a collective event: a Pop-Up Shop. That kind of shop experience is an emerging phenomenon in cities around the world. The principal objective was to sell the product I developed during this master's degree project.

I came up with a Sushi Kit called MAKITU

MAKITU — MAKI + MAKE IT YOU — let the user make sushi by his/her own. He/she only needs to follow the instructions given and use the tools provided inside the kit. Both helps the user not only with the recipe mesures but also knowing the specific size each sushi peace should have. 
In the instructions you can find how to cook sushi rice, how to roll the pieces and how big should your temaki be! 
Simplified icons were used to explain each step.
The 3 sushi pieces and the temaki that are included in the kit gives the user the exact unit mesures to use — instead of using a tradicional cup or spoon.

Each kit provides:
2 chopsticks . 1 temaki cone . 3 sushi pieces . 1 sushi mat . 1 cutting guide
sofia barbosa
esad ma communication design

thank you for appreciate!!


Have  you ever dreamed about preparing your own sushi? Do you think it's difficult? You think you don't have the tools you need to do it? Now you Read More
