Samsung Exodus
People of the 21st century need a way to go offline - a place to hang their headset.
It used to be, that a man would come home from work and hang up his hat on a hatrack, as a way of saying to his family and himself: I'm home.

But times have changed and as phones have become a way for us to communicate with everyone everywhere, the clear line between a persons job and private life has dissolved, and work-related stress is affecting more and more people. 21st century people need a way to go offline - a place to hang their headset.

The Exodus is a hatrack for your headset, that sits in the entrance of your home. It serves as a digital link to your e-mail and social media, and an analog link to the people you live with. When it detects a headset placed onto its hook, it stops the associated phone from receiving work- related emails, and notifies your social media.

By hanging up your headset you are sending a digital message your workplace, and an analog message to people in your home and maybe even more importantly to yourself, that you are offline.



Competition entry for Samsung 'Design that performs' 2012
