Case study_1 - Outdoors event model

Diploma Design Thesis
Maria Koinidou & Eleni Papantoniou
Supervisors: Apostolos Kalfopoulos & Stavros Vergopoulos
Department of Architecture - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
February 2016

A train on track accross Europe. The food cycle from cultivation to plate. A production process which follows the special flavors of each area. A series of gastronomical events-stops. A participatory experience, from the Andalusian plains to the frozen waters of Scandinavian North.

“One of the most important souvenirs for a traveller is flavor”
-Alex Atala, Chef-

Brief: One amazing fact about our school is that it allows all students to pick the subject and mentors of their own preference for their master thesis. Our team's personal mission/challenge was to design a train that travels around the world, spreading the idea of slow food and gastronomic tourism. People would go on and off the train, as well as various cooking materials from each place. The basic structure consists of 13 wagons which host the stages of food cycle: cultivation, processing, storage, preparation, cooking, consumption, recycling. The way this system works is by permanent staff, as well as with participation from travellers who are interested to experience a part of the procedure. From time to time the train stops at specific areas in nature and opens its gates to throw an open-air festival with food, local product market and special events.

Key words:
//Seed: The beginning of the life cycle. A means of memory and material preservation, disproportionately massive for its size. A capacitor of secret and inactive information, until its activation at an appropriate time. A seed contains the idea of spatial identity, the adjustment or not at specific conditions of each environment, the possible deviation in a produced result. 

// Metabolism: The evolution of a living system - institution. One (perpetual) succession of alternating situations, participating in a non-finite recycling process.

// Multi-locality: The “taste of the earth”. The inextricable link of an area with the products it produces. The morphological diversity of soil, moisture, light, altitude. The cultivation, the raw material, the different approaches to food treatment. A number of factors, open to alchemies and experiments - a kaleidoscope of flavor.

// Journey: An experience alternation. Man - explorer. The flavors as part of the "dialect" of each locus. The culinary tourism as a cultural phenomenon.

// Experience: Taste (and smell) as triggers that activate a memory. A feeling cultivated over time from past experiences in one’s life, to cause unexpected associations. 
// Synergy: The preparation and consumption of food. The symbiosis. The making of a community.

 // Attractor: A different approach to food productionand eating. A space where materials and stories are being cooked. A machine in motion that creates events. 

// Symposium: The companionship: To have-food-together. Τhe meal as a ritual of euphoria and social interaction. How the order becomes a disarray, as a trace of life. The distinction between the verbs ‘dine’ and ‘eat, the first of which contains the meaning of collectivity, while the second implies the mere consumption.
Case study_1 - Outdoors event model
Case study_1 - Outdoors event model
Model of customized objects to fit in a wagon
Model of customized objects to fit in a wagon
Model of customized objects to fit in a wagon