VALIANT / BLACK Personal Branding
It's been quite a while since I've attempted to even think about rebranding, and since I've had some free time to crush, I decided I should have at it.

Basically Valiant / Black came as a result of over 4-5 years of trying to come up with a proper name for my studio. I kept hitting rock bottom because all the names I picked sounded so conventional and bland, that I ended up scrapping them all.

A week ago, I gave it one last try, in hopes of actually getting something that sounds decent enough for me to like, be "pallatable" and make sense to me. And so, VALIANT / BLACK was born.

The name is a spin on me, my old alter-ego, slash designer-handle, slash tagline, slash whatever you want to call it. I thought a lot about who and what I wanted to be seen and associated with, and came to the conclusion that the answer was always right there. It was me. It was who I am. That's who I wanna be associated with.
Well then, what are some of my defining moments or traits ? And I came to the conclusion that what defines me is my brawn/courage (hence the "valiant"). Another thing that defines me is my affinity towards dark colors in general. For me Black is something of a symbol for the unwanted, the forgotten. The unwanted and the outcasts. But it's also a symbol for power, strength and, in many ways, respect.
Desktop Single Page Website
Mobile Website
The Mobile website is designed to act and look in all purposes just like a mobile application. To this extent, the UI is tailored specific for this purpose and is optimized for iPhone 6 Screens, but is not limited to.
"About Me" Section that gives a itinerary of my experience
Contact Section is shown just below the "About Me" Section
Projects / Portfolio Screen
Project Details Popover / Dialog
Business Cards

