Upgrade Series
Created what they call "invite cards" for church members to pass out and invite friends to church. The design and size of these changed several times throughout the design process. They really wanted to push the airline theme so the idea was to make them look like mini boarding passes. These were customized for 7 different church locations.
[Back] option 1
[Back] Option 2:
Which was the final design they decided on.
Instagram Invites
This was a great idea! They asked us to create invites that their church members could post to Instagram and tag their friends to invite them through social media. This is just one example, but I created 7 different versions, one for each of their 7 different church campus locations.
27 in x 41 in
Design in Use
These are a few pictures I found of the final designs posted on their churches instagram page @potentialchurch
Upgrade Series

Upgrade Series

This was a project done in conjunction with Circle50 Creative for Potential Church.
