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Smartwatch Operating System Concept - Business Time OS

The Cyan coloured ring represents that the smartwatch is connected to the users smartphone. It disappears when connection is lost.

The information displayed on the watchface designs will act as a shortcut to opening apps once the user touches the screen.
Analog & Digital
App Menu
Information and notification count displayed
App Menu
Information and notification count displayed
Quickview Settings
Displayed once the user swipes down on the watch screen
Notifications - Facebook Messenger
Tapping the app icon will display action & reply settings
Watchface design menu
The user swipes either up or down to choose a watchface design to be displayed
Later features would have included changing the Cyan colour to another neon colour, with also the choice to change the background colour to another metallic colour.
Smartwatch Operating System Concept - Business Time OS

Smartwatch Operating System Concept - Business Time OS

Smartwatch Operating System Concept
