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Data Resource: iPad App

App Design
Data Source: iPad App
Over the past few months I have had the fortunate opportunity to work on an ipad application that focuses on data and data translation.
The idea behind this project stems from this question:
How can we change the way people view poverty and the information behind it?

The solution: To focus our attention towards the methods of positive psychology. But most importantly to focus on cognitive behavior via data analysis.
Charts, maps, graphs and other elements are often used when displaying data. It is found that these elements are often over used and quite repetitive. Most importantly this type of information is not visually engaging and the information provided is often lacking, providing cold facts with out much explanation.
For this project each data graph has been produced using a coding system called processing which uses Math to create abstract images. These images are used as interactive tools, to help users understand the data they are receiving. The idea is to have these abstractions work as simulated animations. As the user touches the screen (scrolling through each year/cycle) the abstractions will move/rotate while displaying new types of information.
The abstraction are meant to provide visual stimulation and curiosity as to how this application functions. Inviting users to explore data and ultimately understand the information being provided.
The data used through out this app shows progress over a select period of time. The information being looked at includes Poverty Head Count, Microfinance Institutions, GDP(Gross Domestic Product) as well as Comparison Data. There is also a secondary element which includes Individual Assessment (which has not been included in the final digital output).
Special thanks to the wonderful folks who provide source code as a learning tool and allowing others the opportunity to experiment with it.
Thank you Nancy Wu & Graeme S. for your help and guidance throughout the duration of this project.
Data Resource: iPad App


Data Resource: iPad App

Over the past few months I have had the fortunate opportunity to work on an ipad application that focuses on data and data translation. The idea Read More
