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Email Newsletter Design Concept – Proctor + Stevenson

Email Newsletter design concept

Proctor + Stevenson

Concept | Design | Art direction
Tablet Design Concept

In smaller screen formats and tablets, newsletter articles respond accordingly with their layout and become centralised.
Email Concept V2 – Coloured articles

Different colour for each article text, references the Proctors Brand. Colours add some vibrancy and contrast to an otherwise somewhat monotone layout.
Email Concept V3 – Coloured Background

The alternative colour variant puts the colour in the background, with the articles reverting back to white - allowing a greater contrast and enabling them to show more prominance on the page. 

Having the colour represented this way, as a background element, also allows for greater scope with variety of design. The colour in which the newsletter is shown can be swapped for another colour of the Proctors brand with each monthly edition. This can help reinforce that Proctors are staying current and relevant to whatevers going on in the industry.

Email Newsletter Design Concept – Proctor + Stevenson

Email Newsletter Design Concept – Proctor + Stevenson

Email Newsletter design concept for digital marketing agency Proctor & Stevenson
