Wine catalog, business card, wine boxes and labels

This is a set of corporate identity for vineyard Vinkor, Slovakia. I always preferred making something absolutely new rather than adaptation to previously created and often bad designs. This project includes creation of wine catalog, bottle labels, business card, wine boxes and banner. It´s all one weekend's work + extra time for revisions.

I used some stock images for the wine card, Nikon D90 digital camera for textures, 3ds Max, V-Ray,  InDesign and Photoshop.

Vinkor bottle label visualization. The golden print on a transparent label.
Wine catalog 1-st version. Personally preferred however not approved by the Client.
Wine catalog, final version.
Business card draft No.1
Business card draft No.2
Business card draft No.3
The wine boxes visualization. I used a vase and flowers model from archmodels as still life. The purpose of this visualization is only to form better imagination of the Client about the product and it has no commercial use as itself.
Final business card with a bottle of wine. Rendered in V-Ray.
After couple of unsuccessful attempts to shoot a set of bottles and their label awards I've decided to use a 3d modeling program which gave me the flexibility I needed. Even though it was not intended, these bottles are fully CG generated and were used as a picture for the wine catalog.
The commercial banner
Vinkor wine card

Vinkor wine card

Corporate identity for Vinkor vineyard.
