Web Ads for Rickshaw Bags/Livejournal

Finally! A way to combine my love for old fashioned bicycles and well made accessories!
Livejournal was sponsoring an ad design contest to promote Rickshaw Bags, a custom messenger bag manufacturer in San Francisco. Because they are widely used by bikers I decided to take a humorous route and put the bags in useful situations way back when... If only they had laptops!

Direct from Livejournal: Just an interesting note you might like to know - Your ads- especially the 300x250 have the highest click-through rates of any ads on LJ within the last year (since I've been here) and most likely before that. Most ads get a .06 click-through rate on this site. Yours has a .43
Web Ads

Web Ads

Web Ad to promote Rickshaw Bags on Livejournal.com
