Adv Postcards - 2016
In July 2016 the people from Grin contacted me to design some postcards they would eventually give at the fairs they would partecipate during the season.
The main postcards represents the company and its visions. It illustrates a lamp, filled with some Grin merchandise and some nature elements, giving the concept of "green ideas". The back side merges those graphic elements with some informations.
The second postcard shows Sprout, the pencil that can be planted after it is completely sharpened. I merged some photographs I did in the past for the company with some vector graphics that illustrate how to use it correctly.
Finally there is a postcard for Liolà, a customizable pen made of wood cutted from typical sicilian trees. The most simple way to show the product was putting plain pens over a brown notebook graphic.
You can find out more at Grin's web pages.
Grin Adv Postcards

Grin Adv Postcards

Commercial postcards made for Grin
