Character Design
Here's a sampling of some of my recent character designs. Some are humans, some are animals, some are flat, and some are rendered. All of them were fun to make.
The first few items here are part of my own personal project called "Quasar Flood," which features a marine biology lab on a big space station. This was a series exploring different types of seals and sea lions wearing space suits. 
Here's the harp seal rendered out. 
These two are workers on the station.
She works directly with the seals.
The Oceanographer who would rather be in the real ocean.
These synthetic oceans just aren't cutting it for him. 
They do a lot of work around water, so they'll need raincoat uniforms.
More importantly, diving suits.
The whole team.
There may also be some other space station workers outside of the main seal team. This is the Productivity Manager, both in flat color and lines, and painted over in a way that's more helpful for 3D modeling. 
Some other designs I've made:
Laying down the bass.
An interpretation of Moaning Myrtle from the Harry Potter series.
Character Design

Character Design
