What is the role played by laught today ? This creation named "The Point of View" is my answer to this question asked at the occasion of a contest organised in Monaco in January 2017 (you can vote here for this work until January, 31st - I am candidate No.15). My intention was to depict laugh as a prism to reconsider a too often sad reality. Visually, the yellow and black wave of laught seen at the bottom of the work doesn’t change a lot the world where we are living in (pollution, deforestation, wars...) but I believe it does change the way we see it. By turning all those negative elements from black to colors, starting from the bottom to the top, I want to express laugh as an escape tool from our everyday difficulties and to try to bring a touch of hope for tomorrow.

Multicoloured collages and black acrylic ink on Figueras paper
Dimension : 100 cm x 66 cm

If you want to vote for "The Point of View" or simply want more information about the contest : www.lentrepot-monaco.com
The Point of View

The Point of View

What is the role played by laught today ? The Point of View is my answer to this question asked at the occasion of a contest organised in Monaco Read More
