The URBAN luminaires collection is so called due to their shapes and materials. The same elements are used to build the urban environment. The lighting devices are thus familiar to the user but new at the same time by reshaping and restructuring the materials inside the volumes.

Colectia de aparate de iluminat URBAN isi sustrage denumirea din caracterul materialelor utilizate, materiale uzuale pentru constructia mediului urban, transpuse acum in forme noi. Obiectele sunt deci familiare indvidului din zona urbana dar si noi prin plasarea surprinzatoare a elementelor in structura volumelor compuse. 
In order to bring aeration and to create contrast URBAN Edge luminaire interrupts the classical volume of the main body with a linear cutout that makes the shape appear much more dynamic.

Cu aceeasi intentia de a oferi aerisire si contrast, obiectul URBAN Edge intervine in volumul clasic al corpului suspendat cu un decupaj in linii simple care atribuie dinamism structurii.
The stylistic direction of the concepts can be identified with the minimalist Bauhous lines, the volume interactions that can be seen in Art Deco, the marvelous work of Lloyd Wright and the playful touch of the Memphis movement. Urban concept assimilates and reshapes these values and brings about a contemporary nuance. The concept is also guided by with the information received from the market research and structural and technological restrictions.

Directia stilistica a conceptelor se identifica prin liniile drepte, simple, de tip Bauhaus, jocul de volume intalnite in Art Deco, respectiv in realizarile arhitecturlui Lloyd Wright si ludicul explorat in cadrul miscarii nonconformiste Memphis. Urban asimileaza si transforma aceste directii intr-o nota contemporana. Conceptul este ghidat si concluziile extrase din studiul de piata si restrictiile tehnice si structurale
URBAN Line provides a central stripe on the walls of the device that make it seem thinner.

Varianta URBAN Line provine de la linia centrata pe conturul carcasei apartelor de iluminat, care creaza impresia vizuala de subtiere a volumelor. 
To save material the table lamp uses two wooden rods instead of an entire plate. The lamp can be attached to the table using the butterfly systems.

Lampa de birou foloseste ca suport doua elemnte din lemn in loc de o placa intreaga pentru a economisi material, prinderea fiind adaptata la grosimea mesei.
The floor standing lamp is defined by a continuous line between the top and bottom elements that seem to be mirrored.

Piciorul pentru floor standing transpune volumele superioare aproape ca intr-o oglinda, linia avand contnuitate prin materialitatea placii de lemn.
The materials can be both the typical type (metal, plastics) and unconventional (wood, copper, textiles, wire mesh, marble etc.) that are resistant to heat or easily manageable in that direction, some of them having low costs (concrete, textiles). The chromatic harmony is shaped by the natural color of the materials defined in essence by excentrism and shyness.

Compozitia de materiale poate fi adaptata fie la o forma clasica (metal, plastic) fie la solutii mai neconventionale (lemn, cupru, material textil, etc.) care propun utilizarea unor componente rezistente la temperaturi ridicate, sau cu posibilitate de prelucrare spre aceasta calitate, unele detinand si avantajul costurilor reduse (beton, textile, plasa metalica). Armonia cromatica reiese din culoarea naturala a elementelor sau isi regaseste esenta deopotriva în sfiala si excentrism.
URBAN Bodies collection combines the presence of volumes or cutouts and strong balanced contours. The cutout in the ceiling device assignes an airy feeling to the object. The same minimalist line can be detected in the structure of the other lamps.

Varianta URBAN Bodies propune o imbinare de corpuri prezente sau decupate si contururi puternice si echilibrante. Utilizarea restransa de material observata la aparatul suspendat confera impresia unui volum aerisit. Aceeasi abordare minimalista se regaseste si in celelalte tpuri de lampi.

