by Miriam Aust

The basic contents of »Vase & Leuchte« is the need of having the nature at home by means of a plant. In most cases a plant is cultivated in a flowerpot, its stature is controlled and the space permitted. The draft is sounding out possible barriers and analysing how much a plant can be influenced, but still remain natural.

A  glass-plant-light is the result of exceptional combinations and unusual materials. The nature is presented artificially, the living being used as material and laboratory aesthetics is brought into the living room. The basis of the draft is as well the unusual combination of two articles of different purpose but similar placement in the room. A lamp normally is installed in the ceiling above the dining room table, where in most cases a vase is placed, too. Therefore the idea came up to combine both. The light is pulled down to the table, surrounded by a kind of cylinder, which can be filled with water and decorated with water plants or cuttings. The warmth of the halogen bulb supports the growth of the plants. The roots of the plant form the structure of the lamp shade in which the rays break. So the plant is not only decoration, but also a component of the object.

Winner of Grand Prize, Interieur Kortrijk
design: Miriam Aust
Tanja Evers
producer: dua



vase & leuchte is the result of exceptional combinations and unusual materials. Nature is presented artifically, the living being is used as mate Read More
