Hippe Suzuki's profile

creature & philosophy

This title is "revolution". About this picture...I feel that the planet collision and the fertilization are similar things. Something is born by occurrence of both these events. So I think these are revolution! And so I drew these images.
This title is "The energy is filled in the space but it cannot be seen". I drew this picture with feelings of  awe.
This title is '' the law of all things in nature". 


This picture represents a galaxy.
There are no random coincidences in the course of wind and water; they are determined by a variety of factors. In this way, we sometimes think that the fate of living things and the future of the universe have already been decided. My tomorrow, your one year from now, may all already have a shape.
All the events in this world are determined by each and every action that occurs here... If a nature lover sees a beautiful flower, he will stop and look at it. Otherwise, he may just walk away. If a nature lover sees a beautiful flower, he will stop and look at it. 
If we think of this in terms of the human sphere, it would just be a guess. But if you look at the wisdom of all things in the universe, you can imagine that you can measure everything.
This is a picture I drew while thinking about such things.
This title is "Magic of red". I expressed circle of life by this picture.
This title is "うたかたのきおく/ The memory of bubbles". All the living things saw dream before it is born.I think so that.And so this image is that's that!
This title is "wachet auf, uns die Stimme". The image of this picture comes from Bach's music. The transcended existence calls who an individual cell proliferates in compliance with the calling. That I feel so.
creature & philosophy


creature & philosophy

This is my individual works. It's fine arts. Look at the my philosophy,please.
