
Laser cutting
In this stencil we focused on trying to capture as much detail in the woman as we could while still meeting the requirements for the laser cutter. We worked a lot on the letters to make sure that they could be legible when sprayed with the chalk. That required tweaking the leading, kerning as well as connecting the counters. 
Chalk Spray
We experimented a lot with the chalk spray, which lead us to create a specific process for others to learn from. When too much chalk is sprayed it starts to spread. We also learned that after spraying one thing, that it needs to be covered before spraying another things or you get a line like in the far bottom left picture.

Laser cutting
This stencil was a lot harder on the laser cutter because it was so detailed. The laser cutter could handle a lot of the small parts but this design required it to be on for a longer time so it started loosing some of its power towards the end. This meant we would have to run it twice to make sure the laser was cutting through all the way.
Chalk Spray
For this spraying process, we focused on capturing the little details such as the bricks and windows. We wanted to also try it on gravel instead of cement to see if we could have the black of the gravel replace the black spray chalk. We discovered that the texture was too much and distorted the image, like in the second to last image.

Laser cutter
This stencil required the most steps because we wanted to have the dancer overlapping the words, which required another color. We also tested out a thinner font to see if it would come out cleanly. To our surprise it did and was especially clear, but we learned after a few uses the thinner type would get clogged making it unusable.
Spray Chalk
This stencil required three colors: one as the background color, one for the words and one for the dancer. Although this meant another step, we all thought it created more movement. We discovered early on that the guy had to be the darkest color so he was the highlight and not the shadow, as you can see in the fourth image.

Chalk Stencil

Chalk Stencil

My team was in charge of creating the art, executing the stencil production and prototyping, including testing the different surfaces, materials, Read More
