A two day, two night road trip...
I was invited to attend an interview for the Falmouth University in Cornwall, England. I took the seven hour trip there with my nan whose brother we stayed with, with his wife, about an hour away from the University in the town of Torpoint. We stayed for a total of three days including when we travelled there and back. I love Cornwall, it's a really beautiful place together we all made the most of our visits, which don't happen to often. Whilst Helen cooked up a wonderful dinner Uncle Robyn took me out for a tour of his favourite places nearby, including to one of the caves slightly down the cliff face where smugglers used to bring goods.  He said it was a shame for the weather because it really does look magical when the sun shines but in my opinion the fog and mist brings so much more to my work. It was a great trip and I got some really good photographs. I'm hoping to return again soon and finish off the album with a few more.
 Just a small footnote to say sorry for the low quality images. Now that I look back (and it has been a while) I don't know what happened. Hope you enjoy them anyway!


Photographs from a mini road trip to Cornwall during the summer of 2011.
