Jacob "Blank" Barrick's profile

Party Aphorisms (For David McDiarmid)

Party Aphorisms (For David McDiarmid)
Displayed at Typeforce Chicago, February 14 – 25
Screenprints on chipboard, vinyl on mylar balloons, digitally printed party hats

Party Aphorisms aims to continue a queer visual and political lineage started by artists during the AIDS crisis. The work of David McDiarmid is pointedly political, acerbically humorous, and incredibly important to me despite only having access to his story and work through the Internet. For this piece, I borrowed heavily from his Rainbow Aphorisms series in an attempt to funnel it through the experiences, traumas, and trajectory of my own generation. The result is a failure to memorialize and is instead a critical reimagining- I believe this is a very queer way to access history. I’ve decided to document this work through collecting photos from Instagram to further activate the idea of generation loss/re-contextualization.
Party Aphorisms (For David McDiarmid)


Party Aphorisms (For David McDiarmid)

Party Aphorisms addresses issues of continuing a queer visual and political lineage after the AIDS crisis. The work of David McDiarmid is pointed Read More
