Kirstin Truscott's profile

Publication - Young Humans of Port Elizabeth

Publication - Young Humans of Port Elizabeth 

The purpose of this project was to create a publication that celebrates young people in Port Elizabeth. These young people were drawn from the community of Missionvale - matriculants interested in art, design or the humanities - and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University - graphic design students. The NMMU students met at Missionvale High School were they interview matriculants and the matriculants interviewed them. The publication is very much about personal experience and over coming hardships, hopes and dreams for the future.  
The publication contains symbolic elements which link the stories, quotes to the symbols in a way to show and not just tell. 
Front cover of Young Humans of Port Elizabeth Publication
Introduction page explaining the publication and informing on the symbolic uses in the publication. 
Photographic double page spread - Showing parts of the school and the area where the interviews took place.  
Publication - Young Humans of Port Elizabeth

Publication - Young Humans of Port Elizabeth

The purpose of this project was to create a publication that celebrates young people in Port Elizabeth. These young people were drawn from the co Read More
