Louwna van Vuuren's profile


The brief 
This project was to create and design a direct mail campaign for Swingball.  It  consist of different phases, encouraging interaction with the target market. 

The concept
The concept behind this project is based on geeky, nerdy men as the target market with their characteristics being socially awkward, odd behaviours and their unattractive physical appearance.  The target market is an intelligent bunch but when it comes to dancing and wanting to meet a girl, there are no dancing skills or confidence to do so.  Swingball creates the perfect opportunity to these individuals to learn some basic footwork, body movement and to gain confidence within themselves.

The design
The name for this mailer is Proprioception.  It is based on the connection between dancing and Swingball, the perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself.  Both dancing and swingball creates the opportunity to learn and develop footwork, balance, movement and coordination in order to gain the confidence they need.

This campaign consists of four phases.

Have fun looking at my project!
The first phase is to create awareness and a desire for the campaign.  Three geek identities are identified as the math, science and engineer geek whereby the target market can identify themselves to which category they relate to.  They receive an information card about the campaign and the reasons behind it. They are encouraged to sign in on their Facebook page and to comment/list their name on a post if they want to receive the next mail.  “’Baseball-like” cards are received with the information card in the first phase.  Everything they receive throughout the campaign can be safely kept in their survival bags which are issued during the third phase.
Second phase
If the target market responded in the first phase, they receive an invite to the confidence workshop event.  The target market needs to earn their membership in order to qualify as an official member of the club.  They receive motivational postcards to attend the event with a request to RSVP. They will also receive a coupon to purchase their own Swingball set at their nearest Game store to enable them to start practising for the event.  A dancing chart is also included, illustrating seven advance dancing moves to be mastered for the workshop. 
Third phase
After responding to the second phase, they progress to the third phase, which includes preparing for the event.  A fun, quirky designed t-shirt will be worn at the confidence workshop. The survival bag (moonbag) is filled with a few essential products needed during the event. 
- Catch my Breath-can be used in a case where the geek struggles to talk to the girl or gets a panic attack. 
- Deodorant branded No Sweat –to keep him smelling fresh all night. 
- Breath mints branded Smooth Talk-to keep his breath fresh and apparently to keep his pick-up lines smooth too. 
- Energy boost sachet branded Up all Night-to keep him energised for the nights’ events. 
- Keyholder-clipped onto his belt-keep keys safe on person at all times . 
- Declaration card-to respond to the fourth phase and also used as a loyal membership card. The moonbag is branded with the elements of the      campaign logo. This is based on a “secret code” exclusively known by the true and loyal members of The Science of Proprioception.
Fourth phase
After the end of the event those who responded and qualified receive a membership card.  The membership card can be used to qualify for discounts when purchasing new balls, Swingball parts, CD’s and on the products found in the moonbag.
Thank You!