Confidently control aperture, shutter speed and ISO, applying the correct setting to achieve my purpose

Frame images technically, including using the rule of thirds, symmetry, asymmetry and3.  GoBO’s
Manipulate my point of focus in an image so that I am intentionally creating the most interesting image.
Recognize/engage with a ‘model’ in order to create a  produce a portrait that is interesting and tells a story.

Find creative sources of lines throughout an image, in order to engage a viewer's eye.
Find unique perspectives, both from low level, eye level, high level and understanding foreground, midground, background.
Recognize how different lighting situations, such as back, side, full front, or different angles, full sun and shade change the feel of a subject
Find creative sources for my images, I am very intentional in what I choose to include/exclude. In other words I can shoot with a purpose.
Englishman River

Englishman River


Creative Fields