A taonga in Māori culture is a treasured thing, whether tangible or intangible. Tangible examples are all sorts of heirlooms and artefacts like jewelry, land, natural resources such as geothermal springs, sacred rivers, fisheries and places associated with myths. Intangible examples may include language, stories, myths and spiritual beliefs. Toanga is a thing of great value, which ascends material value.

After my journey through Aoteoroa I decided to completely dedicate a project to Māori myths, nature, mythical animals, gods and taongas. I've been making depictions of the great Māori gods. Not in a physical form, but in the shape of a taonga associated with the realm they reside in.

All of the drawings are completely done by hand.
Technique: Ink on paper reproduced in a numbered series of 5
Size: 60x90 centimeter


A taonga in Māori culture is a treasured thing, whether tangible or intangible.
