Splash and detail pages
We went door-to-door in North Boulder to talk with people about our new business, asking them to sign up online if they believed in our premise. 
We printed out our message on wildflower seed paper (tying into our home and garden theme) and handed them to people with whom we spoke. We also left them on the front porches of the folks who weren't home. 
GoodShuffle, like ZipCar and AirBnB, is a company based upon the Sharing Economy. Specifically, it's an online platform where people may post goods for rent and/or rent items from their neighbors. 
In most neighborhood communities, perfectly good resources sit idly by. Collecting dust in homes, garages and sheds. Instead of buying new, we encourage people to use what's already right around the corner. An idea that fosters tight-knit communities, micro-entrepreneurism, less waste in landfills, and fewer carbon emissions in our skies. 
Using Eric Ries' idea of creating a minimum viable product (MVP), our advisor Robert Reich counseled us to start small and test the viability of our platform. So we launched GoodShuffle (currently relaunching in D.C.) by focusing on rentals of home and garden items. 


ROLE: As brand manager and chief storyteller on our team of four, I sat in on big-picture strategy sessions as well as created and crafted conc Read More


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