SHEHOUSE .'s profile

【Requiem for a Dream 】

Architects: SheHouse Design
Architect in Charge: Xu Zhao, EJ Huang
Location: Say Zoone Terrace-Lane113 ChangShu Rd, JingAn, ShangHai
Area: 130 sqms
Project Year: August 2016
Requiem for a dream

This building is in the same complex as the famous Chinese educator YuanPei Cai’s former residence in ShangHai. Since our flat is on the top floor of this English style architect, we luckily got this beautiful roof which makes the highest point of the whole flat 6 meters (although the lowest part is only 1 meter). Wood, bricks, concrete, tiles and stones, are the main elements of this flat. Using each of them to create the characteristic of one area and combining all the space with different height perfectly together have made the experience of living in this flat like a journey, like a dream.

一衣带尘,筑梦高阁 。
【Requiem for a Dream 】

【Requiem for a Dream 】
