Theresa Zöller's profile

Kolding - City of Lights

Social Design
Kolding - city of light
Sunshine plays an important role in all aspects of our life. We need the sun with its brightness and warmth for happiness.It influences our hormones and emotions so makes us feel better.
We intend to create social interactions in urban space by using mirrors and the sunlight in order to play with light. Citizens and tourists should walk through the city with a good feeling and spend more time in the center of Kolding. There should be various points where the user can interact in a playful way and in different forms with sunlight.
The social thought is that it should connect people and different places in Kolding. People can communicate with each other by using the different interaction points, work or play together.
Beside the personal and the social aspects this concept is used to bring more light into the city and to lead tourists and citizens through the center. By the leading and connecting function of light we want to emphasize furthermore the main attraction Koldinghus.
Kolding - City of Lights

Kolding - City of Lights

Kolding - City of Lights
