This custom-lettered script was created with the California sun and beautiful beaches in mind. The return swash is an intentional reminder of the West and the waves of the ocean.
Initial sketches
Final Sketch

This is the final sketch that was taken into Adobe Illustrator to convert to vector. It was chosen because the slanted letters felt visually dynamic versus being upright and the tightly-fitted composition created a cohesive layout.
It was important to keep the angled baseline to add visual interest, energy and fun, which were goals of the project.

A few days away from the design process allowed me to see some of the problematic areas. I went back and made some adjustments based on feedback. 

The subtle improvements allow the letters to breathe and enhance the readability at small scale.
Animation by Carlo Teofilo.
West Coastin'

West Coastin'

Custom script lettering.
