Rob Luckins's profile


Portraits I

Sometimes in order to look forward you have to look back. I have always enjoyed photographing friends and fellow artists, seeing their approach to creativity and just generally surrounding myself with like minded people. These are the people that inspire me and hopefully over the years I have managed to capture a piece of them on film. 

These are a selection of portraits from my archive, all images were shot on large and medium format film.

Andy Smith - Co-owner of The Centre Fold Gallery St Peter Port, Guernsey 2008. The gallery played host to some amazing artists during its short run, from Nick Sheehy aka Showchicken, China Mike, Guy McKinley and Mysterious Al. 

A few years later he and his wife Emma travelled around the world in a converted Toyota Hilux. You can read about their adventures here: 

Dave Tuckwell - Dave Lives in Southsea and takes stunning landscape photographs of the town where he lives. This image was shot on the much missed Polaroid type 55 film, which produced both a positive and a negative image. You can follow Dave on Instagram 

Matt Donovan - I have known Matt for many years, and he never fails to take a great portrait. Shot on a Tachihara Large format field camera with a small amount of tilt shift. 

Nikola Duper - I first met Nikola presenting at a crop circle conference in Wiltshire, Nikola is a film maker and photographer working within the Crop Circle community. He is also a prolific lecturer and author.

Stu Adamson - Bass player for British pop punk band Humungous Douglas 2004. Mamiya C330.




A selection of portraits from my archive, featuring Artist Andy Smith, Photographer Dave Tuckwell and Film maker Nikola Duper.
