Redesigning the new hi5

When Tagged acquired the hi5 network and user base, our team decided to refresh hi5's look and feel during the migration of all current hi5 users onto the Tagged platform. We updated all new branding and designs -- which included creating new owl mascots, sitedown web/mobile pages, account cancellation page, and all user messaging about the migration expectations.
Since the hi5 community is global, the entire site was translated into 24 languages which required us to iterate through several different options to ensure the design and layout degraded elegantly for all languages. Since this project was very rushed (13 weeks from acquisition to re-launch), we spend a lot of time working on last minute hacks. The most notable hack was to design user messaging to notify users that their messages and comments would not be fully available during the first week of the launch. Since the translation process required 7 days but we only had 90 minutes, we resourcefully used the owl mascots and recycled existing translated strings in our database.
I worked as a PM/UX designer alongside a freelance visual designer who helped out with branding, styling, and creation of assets.
Newly refreshed home page for hi5 (March 2012)
Page displayed during periods of downtime
Migration wizard for hi5 users visiting site for first time
Wireframe of new cancel account page
User messaging of delayed migration of user comments and messages


After Tagged acquired hi5, we refreshed the hi5 product and branding, while merging the two communities onto a unified platform.
